There are no EU roaming charges up to 25GB. Wherever you fancy going in O2’s Europe Zone (Zone 1 & 2), you’re free to call, text and use data just like you would in the UK, subject to a roaming limit. ...
With the £0 spend cap in place, you will be able to take your phone away but it will only work when connected to WIFI. ...
Before you travel, you'll need to make sure you know your voicemail PIN. Calling 901 as usual works in most countries. If it doesn't, call 1780 free from your mobile, or +44 7802 090 100, and we'll text you the ri ...
Accidental roaming occurs when you're in an area close to a national border and your phone picks up the network across the border. If this happens, you may be charged as though you were roaming in the country acro ...
Roaming in our Europe Zone is included in your tariff, so you can use data (subject to a roaming limit), make calls, and send texts just like you do at home. However, this service is only available for occasional ...
As the usage is over 25GB, you’ll have a Roaming Limit of 25GB when roaming in our Europe Zone. This means you can use up to 25GB of your allowance at no extra cost. The network will text you if you’re getting ...
Your phone may still be trying to connect to the UK! Please follow the steps below, and if the issue persists, please contact us: Check that Roaming Data is switched on in your ...