

Troubleshooting support articles

Sim Card is not working

How to Get Your SIM Card to Work Is your SIM card playing hard to get? Don’t worry! We’ve got your back with this fun and easy guide to get your SIM card working and back in action. Whether you’re se ...

I'm having trouble receiving mobile voicemails

Start by checking if your voicemail is activated by dialing 901 and following the instructions. On most mobile handsets, you can also hold down the 1 key. If it is activated and you’re still having trouble recei ...

I can't access my Voicemail?

Try turning your phone off and back on, then dial 901. If this does not resolve the issue, contact us for further assistance. If you`re roaming or need to access your voicemail from another phone, ...

How do I add a voicemail PIN for accessing my messages from another phone?

Call your voicemail by holding down the 1 key on your handset. If you have saved messages, they’ll play right away. To go to the main menu, press *. Select option 3 – setti ...

Where can I find a user guide for my mobile handset?

You can get up-to-date user guides and manuals for the mobiles we supply from the manufacturer's website. Here are some helpful links: Apple Samsung ...

What should I do if my mobile has been lost or stolen?

If your handset or SIM has been lost or stolen, please read this article to get reconnected quickly. How can I replace and freeze my SIM? Replace and freeze your SIM to prevent any ...

I lost my handset - what should I do?

You can block your device so no one else can use it on our network. Contact us, and an advisor will assist you. ...

When can I expect my new SIM to arrive?

Your replacement SIM will be prioritized in our warehouse, and you should receive it within two to four working days. ...

What should I do when my new SIM arrives?

To get reconnected, activate your SIM by contacting us. Once you activate your new 4G SIM, your SIM allowances will unfreeze, and your old SIM will remain unusable. ...

Can you help me order a new mobile device? works closely with WeBuyAnyPhone, offering a wide range of handsets that we dispatch quickly. Check online for available options. ...

Oops - I found my mobile. I ordered a new SIM and/or blocked my handset but turns out it wasn’t lost or stolen. What should I do?

If you found your mobile, contact us to unfreeze your SIM and/or unblock your handset. If a new SIM arrives, activate it to ensure a seamless mobile experience. ...

How can I check mobile coverage in my area?

You can check mobile coverage using the O2 coverage checker. Enter your postcode and click on 'search now'. ...